Workload Manager: Slurm


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 30 min
  • What is a resource manager, a scheduler, and a workload manager?

  • How do we submit a job on an HPC cluster?

  • Submit a job and have it completed successfully.

  • Understand how to make resource requests.

  • Submit an interactive job.

  • Learn the most frequently used SLURM commands

Imagine for a moment that you need to execute a large simulation and all that you have is the computer that is in front of you. You will initiate the simulation by launching the program that will compute it. You ajust the parameters to avoid overloading the machine with more concurrent operations than the machine can process efficiently. It is possible that you cannot do anything else with the computer until the simulation is finished.

Changing the situation a bit, now you have several computers at your disposal and you have many simulations to do, maybe the same simulation but under different physical conditions. You will have to connect to each computer to start the simulation and periodically monitor the computers to check if some of them have finished and its ready to run a new simulation.

Moving to an even more complex scenario. Consider the case of several users, each wanting to run many simulations like yours and having a number of computers capable of runing all those simulations. Coordinating all the work and all the executions could be a daunting task that can be solved if a program could take care or mapping all the jobs from all the users to the available resources and monitoring when one computer can take another job.

All what we have described is the work of two programs, a resource manager in charge of monitoring the state of a pool of computers and a scheduler that will assign jobs to the different machines as fairly as possible for all the users in the cluster. In the case of our cluster those two roles are managed by a single software called Slurm and the integration of the resource manager, scheduler with the addition and accounting and other roles makes Slurm to be called a Workload Manager.

An HPC system such as Thorny Flat or Dolly Sods has tenths nodes and more than 100 users. How do we decide who gets what and when? How do we ensure that a task is run with the resources it needs? This job is handled by a special piece of software called the scheduler. The scheduler manages which jobs run where and when on an HPC system.

Why do supercomputers use queueing?

The scheduler used on our clusters is SLURM. SLURM is not the only resource manager or scheduler for HPC systems. Other software packages offer similar functionality. The exact syntax might change, but the concepts remain the same.

A Resource Manager takes care of receiving job submissions and executes those jobs when resources are available, providing the most efficient conditions for the jobs. On the other hand, a job scheduler is in charge of associating jobs with the appropriate resources and trying to maximize an objective function, such as total utilization constrained by priorities and the best balance between the resources requested and resources available. As SLURM is taking the dual role of Resource Manager and Scheduler, SLURM calls itself a Workload Manager, a term that better embraces the multiple roles taken by this software package.

Workload Manager on WVU Clusters

All of our clusters use SLURM today. On Thorny Flat, we have a compatibility layer so that most Torque/Moab batch scripts will still work. If you are new to WVU’s HPC clusters, it makes the most sense to learn the SLURM batch commands. See Slurm Quick Start Guide for more SLURM information.

What is a Batch Script?

The most basic use of the scheduler is to run a command non-interactively. This is also referred to as batch job submission. In this case, we need to make a script that incorporates some arguments for SLURM, such as the resources needed and the modules that need to be loaded.

We will use the job script as an example.


Let’s discuss the example SLURM script, Go to File Explorer and edit

$> cd $HOME
$> mkdir SLEEP
$> cd SLEEP
$> nano

Write the following in the file with your text editor:


#SBATCH --partition=standby
#SBATCH --job-name=test_job
#SBATCH --time=00:03:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=2

echo 'This script is running on:'
echo 'The date is :'
sleep 120

Comments in UNIX (denoted by #) are typically ignored. But there are exceptions. For instance, the special #! comment at the beginning of scripts specifies what program should be used to run it (typically /bin/bash). This is required in SLURM so don’t leave it out! Schedulers like SLURM also have a special comment used to denote special scheduler-specific options. Though these comments differ from scheduler to scheduler, SLURM’s special comment is #SBATCH. Anything following the #SBATCH comment is interpreted as an instruction to the scheduler.

In our example, we have set the following parameters:

Option Name Example Setting Notes
--partition queue standby See next section for queue info
--job-name jobname test_script Name of your script (no spaces, alphanumeric only)
--time total job time multiple settings See next segment
--nodes nodes requested multiple settings See next segment
--ntasks-per-node cores per node multiple settings See next segment

Resource list

A resource list will contain a number of settings that inform the scheduler what resources to allocate for your job and for how long (wall time).


Walltime is represented by --time=00:03:00 in the format HH:MM:SS. This will be how long the job will run before timing out. If your job exceeds this time, the scheduler will terminate the job. You should find a usual runtime for the job and add some more (say 20%) to it. For example, if a job took approximately 10 hours, the wall time limit could be set to 12 hours, e.g. “–time=12:00:00”. By setting the wall time, the scheduler can perform job scheduling more efficiently and also reduces occasions where errors can leave the job stalled but still taking up resources for the default much longer wall time limit (for queue wall time defaults, run squeue command)

Walltime test exercise

Resource requests are typically binding. If you exceed them, your job will be killed. Let’s use wall time as an example. We will request 30 seconds of wall time, and attempt to run a job for two minutes.


#SBATCH --partition=standby
#SBATCH --job-name=test_job
#SBATCH --time=00:00:30
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=2

echo 'This script is running on:'
echo 'The date is :'
sleep 120

Submit the job and wait for it to finish. Once it has finished, check the error log file. In the error file, there will be

This script is running on:
This script is running on:
The date is :
Thu Jul 20 19:25:21 EDT 2023
slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 453582 ON taicm002 CANCELLED AT 2023-07-20T19:26:33 DUE TO TIME LIMIT ***

What happened?

Our job was killed for exceeding the amount of resources it requested. Although this appears harsh, this is a feature. Strict adherence to resource requests allows the scheduler to find the best possible place for your jobs. Even more importantly, it ensures that another user cannot use more resources than they’ve been given. If another user messes up and accidentally attempts to use all of the CPUs or memory on a node, SLURM will either restrain their job to the requested resources or kill the job outright. Other jobs on the node will be unaffected. This means that one user cannot mess up the experience of others, the only jobs affected by a mistake in scheduling will be their own.

Compute Resources and Parameters

Compute parameters The argument --nodes specifies the number of nodes (or chunks of resource) required; --ntasks-per-node indicates the number of CPUs per chunk required.

nodes tasks Description
2 16 32 Processor job, using 2 nodes and 16 processors per node
4 8 32 Processor job, using 4 nodes and 8 processors per node
8 28 244 Processor job, using 8 nodes and 28 processor per node
1 40 40 Processor job, using 1 nodes and 40 processors per node

Each of these parameters has a default setting they will revert to if not set; however, this means your script may act differently to what you expect.

You can find more information about these parameters by viewing the manual page for the sbatch function. This will also show you what the default settings are.

$> man sbatch

Setting up email notifications

Jobs on an HPC system might run for days or even weeks. We probably have better things to do than constantly check on the status of our job with squeue. Looking at the online documentation for sbatch (you can also google “sbatch slurm”), can you set up our test job to send you an email when it finishes?

Hint: you will need to use the --mail-user and --mail-type options.

Running a batch job (two methods)

Submit Jobs with job composer on OnDemand

OnDemand also has a tool for job creation and submission to the batch system. The same information as above applies since it still uses the same underlying queue system. In the Job Composer, you can create a new location in your home directory for a new job, create or transfer a job script and input files, edit everything, and submit your job all from this screen.

We will run this job in the Job Composer by creating a new job from specified path.


You’ll see the Job Options page, like this:


Fill it in as shown. Path is ~/SLEEP and then select Save.

To run the job, select green ‘play’ button.

If the job is successfully submitted, a green bar will appear on the top of the page.

Also, OnDemand allows you to view the queue for all systems (not just the one you are on in the shell) under Jobs, select Active Jobs. You can filter by your jobs, your group’s jobs, and all jobs.

Submitting Jobs via the command line

To submit this job to the scheduler, we use the sbatch command.

$> sbatch
Submitted batch job 453594

The number that first appears is your Job ID. When the job is completed, you will get two files: an Output and an Error file (even if there is no errors). They will be named {JobName}.o{JobID} and {JobName}.e{JobID} respectively.

And that’s all we need to do to submit a job. To check on our job’s status, we use the command squeue.

$> squeue -u $USER
            453594   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:34      1 taicm009

We can see all the details of our job, most importantly if it is in the “R” or “RUNNING” state. Sometimes our jobs might need to wait in a queue (“PD”) or have an error. The best way to check our job’s status is with squeue. It is easiest to view just your own jobs in the queue with the squeue -u $USER. Otherwise, you get the entire queue.

Partitions (Also known as queues)

There are usually a number of available partitions (Other resource managers call them queues) to use on the HPC clusters. Each cluster has separate partitions. The same compute node can be associated with multiple partitions Your job will be routed to the appropriate compute node based on the list of nodes associated with the partition, the wall time, and the computational resources requested. To get the list of partitions on the cluster, execute:

$> sinfo -s
standby*           up    4:00:00      94/71/2/167 taicm[001-009],tarcl100,tarcs[100,200-206,300-304],tbdcx001,tbmcs[001-011,100-103],tbpcm200,tbpcs001,tcbcx100,tcdcx100,tcgcx300,tcocm[100-104],tcocs[001-064,100],tcocx[001-003],tcscm300,tjscl100,tjscm001,tmmcm[100-108],tngcm200,tpmcm[001-006],tsacs001,tsdcl[001-002],tsscl[001-002],ttmcm[100-101],tzecl[100-107],tzecs[100-115]
comm_small_day     up 1-00:00:00        59/5/1/65 tcocs[001-064,100]
comm_small_week    up 7-00:00:00        59/5/1/65 tcocs[001-064,100]
comm_med_day       up 1-00:00:00          5/0/0/5 tcocm[100-104]
comm_med_week      up 7-00:00:00          5/0/0/5 tcocm[100-104]
comm_xl_week       up 7-00:00:00          3/0/0/3 tcocx[001-003]
comm_gpu_inter     up    4:00:00         8/1/2/11 tbegq[200-202],tbmgq[001,100],tcogq[001-006]
comm_gpu_week      up 7-00:00:00          5/0/1/6 tcogq[001-006]
aei0001            up   infinite          3/5/1/9 taicm[001-009]
alromero           up   infinite        12/2/0/14 tarcl100,tarcs[100,200-206,300-304]
be_gpu             up   infinite          1/1/1/3 tbegq[200-202]
bvpopp             up   infinite          0/1/0/1 tbpcs001
cedumitrescu       up   infinite          1/0/0/1 tcdcx100
cfb0001            up   infinite          0/1/0/1 tcbcx100
cgriffin           up   infinite          1/0/0/1 tcgcx300
chemdept           up   infinite          0/4/0/4 tbmcs[100-103]
chemdept-gpu       up   infinite          1/0/0/1 tbmgq100
cs00048            up   infinite          0/1/0/1 tcscm300
jaspeir            up   infinite          0/2/0/2 tjscl100,tjscm001
jbmertz            up   infinite        3/14/0/17 tbmcs[001-011,100-103],tbmgq[001,100]
mamclaughlin       up   infinite          1/8/0/9 tmmcm[100-108]
ngarapat           up   infinite          0/1/0/1 tngcm200
pmm0026            up   infinite          0/6/0/6 tpmcm[001-006]
sbs0016            up   infinite          0/2/0/2 tsscl[001-002]
spdifazio          up   infinite          0/2/0/2 tsdcl[001-002]
tdmusho            up   infinite          1/5/0/6 taicm[001-004],ttmcm[100-101]
vyakkerman         up   infinite          1/0/0/1 tsacs001
zbetienne          up   infinite        6/18/0/24 tzecl[100-107],tzecs[100-115]
zbetienne_large    up   infinite          6/2/0/8 tzecl[100-107]
zbetienne_small    up   infinite        0/16/0/16 tzecs[100-115]

Submitting resource requests

Submit a job that will use 1 node, 4 processors, and 5 minutes of walltime.

Job environment variables

SLURM sets multiple environment variables at submission time. The following variables are commonly used in command files:

Variable Name Description
$SLURM_JOB_ID Full jobid assigned to this job. Often used to uniquely name output files for this job, for example: srun - np 16 ./a.out >output.${SLURM_JOB_ID}
$SLURM_JOB_NAME Name of the job. This can be set using the –job-name option in the SLURM script (or from the command line). The default job name is the name of the SLURM script.
$SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES Number of nodes allocated
$SLURM_JOB_PARTITION Queue job was submitted to.
$SLURM_NTASKS The number of processes requested
$SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR The directory from which the batch job was submitted.
$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID Array ID numbers for jobs submitted with the -a flag.

Canceling a job

Sometimes we’ll make a mistake and need to cancel a job. This can be done with the qdel command. Let’s submit a job and then cancel it using its job number.

$> sbatch
Submitted batch job 453599

$> $ squeue -u $USER
            453599   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:47      1 tcocs015

Now cancel the job with it’s job number. Absence of any job info indicates that the job has been successfully canceled.

$> scancel 453599
$> squeue -u $USER

Detailed information about jobs

The information provided by the command squeue is sometimes not enough, and you would like to gather a complete picture of the state of a particular job. The command scontrol provides a wealth of information about jobs but also partitions and nodes. Information about a job:

$ sbatch
Submitted batch job 453604
$ scontrol show job 453604
JobId=453604 JobName=test_job
   UserId=gufranco(318130) GroupId=its-rc-thorny(1079001) MCS_label=N/A
   Priority=11588 Nice=0 Account=its-rc-admin QOS=normal
   JobState=RUNNING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
   Requeue=0 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
   RunTime=00:00:19 TimeLimit=00:04:00 TimeMin=N/A
   SubmitTime=2023-07-20T20:39:15 EligibleTime=2023-07-20T20:39:15
   StartTime=2023-07-20T20:39:15 EndTime=2023-07-20T20:43:15 Deadline=N/A
   PreemptEligibleTime=2023-07-20T20:39:15 PreemptTime=None
   SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0 LastSchedEval=2023-07-20T20:39:15 Scheduler=Main
   Partition=standby AllocNode:Sid=trcis001:31864
   ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
   NumNodes=1 NumCPUs=2 NumTasks=2 CPUs/Task=1 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
   Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=2:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
   MinCPUsNode=2 MinMemoryNode=0 MinTmpDiskNode=0
   Features=(null) DelayBoot=00:00:00
   OverSubscribe=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)

Interactive jobs

Sometimes, you will need a lot of resources for interactive use. Perhaps it’s the first time running an analysis, or we are attempting to debug something that went wrong with a previous job.

You can also request interactive jobs on OnDemand using the Interactive Apps menu.

To submit an interactive job requesting 4 cores on the partition standby and with a wall time of 40 minutes, execute:

$> srun -p standby -t 40:00 -c 4 --pty bash

Another example includes requesting a GPU compute compute, execute:

$> srun -p comm_gpu_inter -G 1 -t 2:00:00 -c 8 --pty bash

Job arrays

Job arrays offer a mechanism for submitting and managing collections of similar jobs quickly and easily; job arrays with many tasks can be submitted from a single submission script. Job arrays are very useful for testing jobs when one parameter is changed or to execute the same workflow on a set of samples.

For our example, we will create a folder FIBONACCI and a submission script called

$> mkdir FIBONACCI
$> nano

Write the content of the submission script as follows:


#SBATCH --partition=standby
#SBATCH --job-name=test_job
#SBATCH --time=00:03:30
#SBATCH --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --array 1-10

# Static input for N

# First Number of the
# Fibonacci Series

# Second Number of the
# Fibonacci Series
b=`expr $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID + 1`

echo "10 first elements in the Fibonacci Sequence."
echo ""
echo "Starting with $a and $b"
echo ""

for (( i=0; i<N; i++ ))
    echo -n "$a "
    fn=$((a + b))
# End of for loop
echo ""
sleep 60

The array index values on job arrays are specified using the --array or -a option of the sbatch command. All the jobs in the job array will have the same variables except for the environment variable SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID , which is set to its array index value. This variable can redirect the workflow to a different folder or execute the simulation with different parameters.

Submit the job array:

$> sbatch
Submitted batch job 453632
$> squeue -u $USER
      453632_1   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:03      1 taicm007
      453632_2   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:03      1 taicm007
      453632_3   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:03      1 taicm007
      453632_4   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:03      1 taicm007
      453632_5   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:03      1 taicm007
      453632_6   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:03      1 taicm007
      453632_7   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:03      1 taicm007
      453632_8   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:03      1 taicm007
      453632_9   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:03      1 taicm007
     453632_10   standby test_job gufranco  R       0:03      1 taicm007

The job submission will create ten jobs When the jobs finish, their output will be in files slurm-XXX. For example:

$> cat slurm-453632_7.out
10 first elements in the Fibonacci Sequence

Starting with 7 and 8

7 8 15 23 38 61 99 160 259 419

Key Points

  • The scheduler handles how compute resources are shared between users.

  • Everything you do should be run through the scheduler.

  • A non-interactive job is expressed as a shell script that is submitted to the cluster.

  • Try to adjust the wall time to around 10-20% more than the expected time the job should need.

  • It is a good idea to keep aliases to common torque commands for easy execution.