Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 60 minQuestions
Exercise 1:
Write a Fortran program that writes “Hello OpenMP”. Compile and execute.
Convert the previous Fortran program in multithreaded with a
directiveLoad the omp_lib module and print also the thread number using the function
Store the values for the number of threads and thread ID on variables before printing
What is the difference bettween making those variables public or private.
Exercise 2:
Write a Fortran code that computes the integral of a function f(x)=log(pix)sin(pi*x)**2 + x in the range [1,10]
Use rectangles to approximate the integral and use an OpenMP parallel loop. (*) An alternative could be using trapezoids instead of triangles.
Compare the performance of the serial code compared with the parallel version.
Use the function omp_get_wtime() to get the time spent on the loop. The function returns a real and can be used before and after the loop.
Exercise 3:
Use the following product to approximate pi
Use the reduction for a product to an approximation of pi
How many terms are needed to get 4 good digits?
Key Points