

Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 60 min

Exercise 1: Valid Fortran Lines

Which of these lines are not valid in Fortran

x = y
a = b+c ! add
word = ’electron’
a = 1.0; b = 2.0
a = 15. ! initialize a; b = 22. ! and b
quarks = "Top, Bottom &
            up, down &
         & charm and strange"
bond = ’Covalent or,
c(3:4) = ’up"
d = `très grave`

Exercise 2: Valid Fortran literals

Which of these is a valid literal constant (One of the 5 intrinsic types)

’stuff & nonsense’
4 9
’I can’’t’
’(4.3e9, 6.2)’
’shouldn’ ’t’

Exercise 3: Valid Fortran names

Which of these are valid names in Fortran


Exercise 4: Array definition and constructor

Write an array definition for complex elements in the range [-100,100]. How many elements the array will have? Write a constructor where the value of each element in the array is the square root of the corresponding index. Use a compact constructor (implicit loop).

Exercise 5: Derived type

Write a derived type appropriated for a point-like classical particle. The particle has a mass and charge. The derived type should be able to store the position and velocity (3D) of the particle. Write an example of a derived type constant for this particle.

Exercise 6: Reals with larger precision

Write the declaration of a real variable with a minimum of 12 decimal digits of precision and a range of 10^{−100} to 10^{100}

Exercise 7: Center of mass

Write a program that reads a file or randomly creates an array that stores the position of N particles in a 3D space. Initially assume for all the particles have the same mass. Write a subroutine to compute the center of mass of these particles.

Exercise 8: Lennard-Jones Potential

Write a program that reads a file or randomly creates an array that stores the position of N particles in a 3D space. A very simple potential for Molecular Dynamics consists in assuming a potential like:

Write a program that computes the potential and forces for the set of particles.

(*) Add simple dynamics, moving the particles according to the direction of the force (Gradient of the Potential).

Exercise 9: Quadratic Equation

Write a program to calculate the roots (real or complex) of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 for any real values of a, b, and c. Read the values of these three constants and print the results. Check the Use should be made of the appropriate intrinsic functions.

Check if a is zero and return the appropriate solution for the linear case.

Exercise 10: Mean and Variance

In this exercise we will explore the use of subroutines random numbers and optional arguments.

The average of a sample of values is:

And variance is computed as:

Write a program that:

  1. Ask the size N of the array, via command line arguments or read from standard input.

  2. After reading N, allocate an array filled with random numbers.

  3. Write subroutines for computing the average and variance.

  4. (*) Reconvert the program to use modules and extend the capabilities of the code to work with multidimensional arrays and be capable of returning averages along specific dimensions.

Exercise 11: Toeplitz decomposition

Any square matrix can be decomposed into a symmetric and skew-symmetric matrix, following the prescription:

Write a program that creates a random matrix NxN (fix N or ask for it) Write a subroutine that takes the matrix and returns two arrays, one for the symmetric and another for the skew-symmetric matrix.

(hint): You can write your own transpose function or use the intrinsic transpose

(*) Similar case but for complex matrices. The decomposition using the conjugate transpose.

Exercise 12: Matrix Multiplication

Write a code that computes the matrix multiplication. Compare your code with the intrinsic function matmul(a,b)

Exercise 13: Quaternions

Create a derived type for working with quaternions. Quaternions are generally represented in the form:

The values of a, b, c, and d define a particular quaternion. Quaternions can operate under addition and subtraction. The multiplication is special and obeys a table shown below

  1 i j k
1 1 i j k
i i −1 k −j
j j −k −1 i
k k j −i −1

Write a program that defines a derived type for quaternions and write functions to operate with them. Write a function to compute the inverse:

(***) Use a module with an interface operator star (*) to produce a clean implementation of the multiplication of quaternions.


This code shows how to create an interface for the operator (+). Implement the product using the table for multiplication.

module mod_quaternions

  type quaternion
     real :: a, b, c, d
  end type quaternion

  interface operator(+)
     module procedure sum_qt
  end interface


  function sum_qt(x, y)
     type(quaternion)             :: sum_qt
     type(quaternion), intent(in) :: x, y
     sum_qt%a = x%a + y%a
     sum_qt%b = x%b + y%b
     sum_qt%c = x%c + y%c
     sum_qt%d = x%d + y%d
  end function sum_qt

end module mod_quaternions

program main

  use mod_quaternions

  implicit none

  type(quaternion) :: x = quaternion(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
  type(quaternion) :: y = quaternion(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0)
  type(quaternion) :: z

  z = x + y

  print *, z%a, z%b, z%c, z%d

end program

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