Matlab: Running Matlab scripts on a HPC cluster

This simple tutorial explains how to use Matlab without launching the graphical interface and using the submission script.

Executing Matlab scripts

Consider this simple script that computes first and second derivatives of a function to find extrema and inflection points of a given function.

You can create a directory for this, for example MATLAB and uncompress there the file


It will uncompress a file called “derivatives.m”, that is the actual matlab code that we would like to execute on the cluster.

The submission script is very simple, for this example we will use a single core:


#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -q debug

module purge
module load statistics/matlab/2014a

matlab -nodisplay -r derivatives

Store this lines into a file called runjob.pbs

This submission script is telling the PBS system that we are creating a job called “MATLAB”, that will use one node (nodes=1) and one core per node (ppn=1), during one hour (walltime=1:00:00). I will be notified by email (-m ae) either for the job being aborted or ended. The queue were the job is submitted is called “debug” but you can also choose other queues such as “comm_mmem_week” or “comm_mmem_day”. that will offer extended periods of time.

The lines module purge and module load statistics/matlab/2014a will prepare the environment for executing Matlab on the HPC cluster.

Finally, the script will execute the matlab script “derivatives.m” without opening the graphical user interface (GUI). Notive that you should execute matlab -nodisplay -r derivatives without adding the “.m”. Matlab will always search for a file called “derivatives.m”

You submit the job from the command line executing:

$qsub runjob.pbs

You should get like above the JobID, an identifier that allow you to keep track of your execution. You can monitor the execution like this: When in queue, ie, waiting for execution:

$ qstat 987788
Job ID                    Name             User            Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ------
987788.srih0001            MATLAB           gufranco               0 Q debug

When running:

$ qstat 987788
Job ID                    Name             User            Time Use S Queue

------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ------
987788.srih0001            MATLAB           gufranco               0 R debug

When finished:

$ qstat 987788

Job ID                    Name             User            Time Use S Queue
------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - -----
987788.srih0001            MATLAB           gufranco        00:00:07 C debug

When the job concludes, you will get the files:


The figures where generated and save on the same folder you submit your job. The output of your execution is stored at MATLAB.o987788



                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
                    R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             February 11, 2014

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First Derivatives: Finding Local Minima and Maxima

f =

(3*x^3 + 17*x^2 + 6*x + 1)/(2*x^3 - x + 3)

ans =


ans =


ans =

- 1/(6*(3/4 - (241^(1/2)*432^(1/2))/432)^(1/3)) - (3/4 - (241^(1/2)*432^(1/2))/432)^(1/3)

ans =


First Derivative: Local extremum Points

g =

(9*x^2 + 34*x + 6)/(2*x^3 - x + 3) - ((6*x^2 - 1)*(3*x^3 + 17*x^2 + 6*x + 1))/(2*x^3 - x + 3)^2

ans =

 ((2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3))/1156 + 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3) + 361/289)^(1/2)/(6*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/6)) + ((337491*6^(1/2)*((3*3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/9826 + 2198209/9826)^(1/2))/39304 + (2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3)*((2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3))/1156 + 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3) + 361/289)^(1/2))/578 - 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3)*((2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3))/1156 + 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3) + 361/289)^(1/2) - (361*((2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3))/1156 + 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3) + 361/289)^(1/2))/289)^(1/2)/(6*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/6)*((2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3))/1156 + 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3) + 361/289)^(1/4)) - 15/68
 ((2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3))/1156 + 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3) + 361/289)^(1/2)/(6*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/6)) - ((337491*6^(1/2)*((3*3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/9826 + 2198209/9826)^(1/2))/39304 + (2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3)*((2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3))/1156 + 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3) + 361/289)^(1/2))/578 - 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3)*((2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3))/1156 + 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3) + 361/289)^(1/2) - (361*((2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3))/1156 + 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3) + 361/289)^(1/2))/289)^(1/2)/(6*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/6)*((2841*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(1/3))/1156 + 9*((3^(1/2)*178939632355^(1/2))/176868 + 2198209/530604)^(2/3) + 361/289)^(1/4)) - 15/68

ans =


Second Derivatives: Finding Inflection Points

h =

(18*x + 34)/(2*x^3 - x + 3) - (2*(6*x^2 - 1)*(9*x^2 + 34*x + 6))/(2*x^3 - x + 3)^2 - (12*x*(3*x^3 + 17*x^2 + 6*x + 1))/(2*x^3 - x + 3)^2 + (2*(6*x^2 - 1)^2*(3*x^3 + 17*x^2 + 6*x + 1))/(2*x^3 - x + 3)^3

ans =


Using the Matlab Compiler

The first step is to load matlab to get access to its executables:

module load statistics/matlab/2014a

Prepare the compilation environment with:

$ mbuild -setup``
MBUILD configured to use 'gcc' for C language compilation.``

To choose a different language, execute one from the following:``
 mex -setup C++ -client MBUILD ``
 mex -setup FORTRAN -client MBUILD``

You cannot compile matlab scripts that uses the symbolic toolbox

So we will use another script for this tutorial.

After uncompress the file “mandelbrot.m”:

mcc -m mandelbrot.m

It takes a while, when finished you will get some extra files:


The submission script changes to:


#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -m ae
#PBS -q debug

module purge
module load statistics/matlab/2014a

./ /shared/software/MATLAB/R2014a

After submit the job with:

qsub runjob.pbs

You get the results on “MATLAB.o#######” with the corresponding JobID

Mandelbrot fractal generated from Matlab

Mandelbrot fractal generated from Matlab