Engineering: Running OpenFOAM simple tutorial

Load modules

OpenFOAM was compiled with gcc 5.3.0 and openMPI 1.6.5. These modulefiles will need to be loaded to run OpenFOAM.

$> module load compilers/gcc/5.3.0 mpi/openmpi/1.6.5 libraries/openfoam/3.0+

Run OpenFOAM

Below is a sample tutorial given by OpenFOAM to show how to run OpenFOAM on our systems. The commands below will initiate an interactive job on the debug queue, and execute the openFoam tutorial.

$> debug

$> module load compilers/gcc/5.3.0 libraries/openfoam/3.0+
$> mkdir -p $FOAM_RUN
$> run
$> cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/simpleFoam/pitzDaily ./
$> mv pitzDaily/* .
$> blockMesh
$> simpleFoam

Using ParaView with OpenFoam

Visualization of openFoam output can be executed from the head node. To use paraFoam, make sure you have logged in with X11 forwarding enabled.

$> module load compilers/gcc/5.3.0 libraries/openfoam/3.0+ visualization/paraview
$> run
$> paraFoam