The Python Standard Library


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 60 min
  • What is the Standard Library and which are the main modules for scientific computing

  • Understand the difference between the Standard Library and the Python Language itself

The Notebook

The material for this episode is on this notebook:

2_Python_Standard_Library [WVU Research Computing].ipynb


Hyperbolic Sine

The hyperbolic sine function is defined as Sinh(z) = 0.5 (exp(z) - exp(-z))

1. Using the `math`, on the reals, confirm evaluate the RHS and LHS independently for
a list of 20 numbers from 0 to PI

2. Now using `cmath` produce a similar confirmation for a line of values that is
0.5 in the imaginary space.

Exploring World Population

The file population_data.json is a JSON file with population data from 1960 up to 2000.

  1. Open the file using the json module from the Standard Library and recover a list of dictionaries.

  2. For each country or group of countries, collect the population in 1980 and the population in 2000. Computed the relative difference as a percentage of change.

  3. Which is the country with the highest growth in population between 1980 and 2000?

  4. Create a set of folders one for each country storing there the population values in a file as text file. You will realize that reading files from text files is actually harder than storing this kind of data in JSON files.

Pharmaceutical Spending in countries

There is another dataset downloaded from and

The file was downloaded as pharma_countries.json

Read that JSON file and get the collection of spending data for USA.

Rolling dices

Compute all the possible outcomes of rolling 3 dices using the itertools module.


Use the multiprocessing for computing the different k-mers for several sizes.

This couple of functions can help, use them with the multiprocessing module to speed up the calculation.

import numpy as np

genome = "".join(random.choice("AGCT") for _ in range(1000))

def perfect_reads(genome, n_reads=10):
    """Create perfect reads from `genome`"""
    starts = np.random.randint(len(genome), size=n_reads)
    length = np.random.randint(27,33, size=n_reads)
    for n in range(n_reads):
        low = starts[n]
        yield genome[low:low + length[n]]

def kmers(read, k=10):
    """Generate `k`-mers from a `read`"""
    for n in range(len(read) - k + 1):
        yield read[n:n+k]

def get_perfect_kmers(genome):
    kmers_ = []
    for read in perfect_reads(genome, n_reads=1000):
        for kmer in kmers(read):

    return kmers_    

Verify that not matter the size of the k-mers, most of them end up being duplicates.

kmers_ = get_perfect_kmers(genome)
# lots of kmers, but not that many are unique
print(len(kmers_), len(set(kmers_)))

Key Points

  • Several modules in the standard library are often used in Scientific Computing