Samples of Job Submission scripts

Below are bash scripts that can be modified and submitted to the qsub command for job submission. For details about the different parts of the scripts please visit the Running Jobs page. These scripts can be copied and pasted in the terminal using any number of text editors (i.e. vi, emacs, etc…)

Script for running a non-array batch queue

The below script has PBS directives to set-up commonly used variables such as job name, resources needed, e-mail address upon job completion and abnormal termination and specify a queue to run on


#This is an example script for executing generic jobs with
# the use of the command 'qsub <name of this script>'

#These commands set up the Grid Environment for your job.  Words surrounding by a backet ('<','>') should be changed
#Any of the PBS directives can be commented out by placing another pound sign in front
##PBS -N name
#The above line will be skipped by qsub because of the two consecutive # signs

# Specify job name
#PBS -N <name>

# Specify the resources need for the job
# Walltime is specified as hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds)
#PBS -l nodes=<number_of_nodes>:ppn=<number_of_processors_per_node,walltime=<time_needed_by_job>

# Specify when Moab should send e-mails 'ae' below user will
# receive e-mail for any errors with the job and/or upon completion
# If you don't want e-mails just comment out these next two PBS lines
#PBS -m ae

# Specify the e-mail address to receive above mentioned e-mails
#PBS -M <email_address>

# Specify the queue to execute task in. Current options can be found by excuting the command qstat -q at the terminal
#PBS -q <queue_name>

# Enter your command below with arguments just as if you where going to execute on the command line
# It is generally good practice to issue a 'cd' command into the directory that contains the files
# you want to use or use full path names

Script for running an array batch queue

Script is the same as above, but adds PBS -t to execute array request job submissions.


#This is an example script for executing genetic jobs with
# the use of the command 'qsub <name of this script>'

#These commands set up the Grid Environment for your job.  Words surrounding by a backet ('<','>') should be changed
#Any of the PBS directives can be commented out by placing another pound sign in front
##PBS -N name
#The above line will be skipped by qsub because of the two consecutive # signs

# Specify job name, use ${PBS_ARRAYID} to ensure names and output/error files have different names
#PBS -N <name_${PBS_ARRAYID}

# Specify the range for the PBS_ARRAYID environment variable
# <num_range> can be a continous range like 1-200 or 5-20
# or <num_range> can be a comma seperated list of numbers like 5,15,20,55
# You can also specify the maximum number of jobs queued at one time with the percent sign
# so a <num_range> specified as 5-45%8 would launch forty jobs with a range from 5-45, but only queue 8 at a time until
# all jobs are completed.
# Further, you can mix and match continous range and list like 1-10,15,25-40%10
#PBS -t <num_range>

# Specify the resources need for the job
# Walltime is specified as hh:mm:ss (hours:minutes:seconds)
#PBS -l nodes=<number_of_nodes>:ppn=<number_of_processors_per_node,walltime=<time_needed_by_job>

# Specify when Moab should send e-mails 'ae' below user will
# receive e-mail for any errors with the job and/or upon completion
# If you don't want e-mails just comment out these next two PBS lines
#PBS -m ae

# Specify the e-mail address to receive above mentioned e-mails
#PBS -M <email_address>

# Specify the queue to execute task in. Current options can be found by excuting the command qstat -q at the terminal
#PBS -q <queue_name>

# Enter your command below with arguments just as if you where going to execute on the command line
# It is generally good practice to issue a 'cd' command into the directory that contains the files
# you want to use or use full path names
# Any parameter or filename that needs to use the current job number of the array number range use ${PBS_ARRAYID}