This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Introduction to Machine Learning with Python

Machine learning algorithms are computer techniques the allow computers to achieve results or improve on them based on data. Machine Learning is used in a wide variety of applications and this lesson will offer a brief overview on various topics of this area of artificial intelligence.


For this lesson, it is assume a familiarity with Python language. All examples and exercises will use python.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
Day 1 09:00 1. Introduction What do we mean by Machine Learning?
09:30 2. Data Cleaning, Imputation, Cross-Validation Key question (FIXME)
09:40 3. Linear and Logistic Regression How to do regression from real data using Pandas and Scikit-learn
10:40 4. Training, Validation, Test Data and Overfitting Key question (FIXME)
11:40 5. Linear Classifiers Key question (FIXME)
12:40 6. Lunch Break Break
13:40 7. Decision trees and random forests Using Scikit-learn for decision trees, decisions nad random forest
14:40 8. Navie Bayes and Kernel Methods Key question (FIXME)
15:10 9. Clustering: K-means and Hierarchical Clustering Key question (FIXME)
16:10 Finish
Day 2 09:00 10. Dimensionality reduction Key question (FIXME)
10:30 11. Principal and independent component analysis Key question (FIXME)
12:00 12. Neural Networks and Back Propagation Key question (FIXME)
13:00 13. Lunch Break Break
14:00 14. Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks Key question (FIXME)
16:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.