2017 Summer Workshop

West Virginia University

June 12-15, 2017

9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Instructors: Guillermo Avendaño-Franco

Helpers: Sadegh Faramarzi Ganjabad, Chitrak Gupta

General Information

WVU Research Computing (RC) department offers support for computational research at WVU. In addition to offering HPC and storage systems, we run an annual summer institute to provide foundational training for researchers to utilize the RC's resources.

Who: The course is aimed at undergraduates, graduate students and researchers using WVU RC resources, however a large portion of what is taught is transferable to linux and HPC environments in general. You don't need to have any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented at the workshop.

Where: Percival Hall 315. Get directions with OpenStreetMap or Google Maps.

When: June 12-15, 2017. Add to your Google Calendar.

Requirements: Windows Workstations are provided to participants. Participants can also bring their own laptop with Windows, Mac or Linux.

Contact: Please email gufranco@mail.wvu.edu for more information.


Day 1

09:00 Logging in to Mountaineer or Spruce
10:00 Basic Commands to learn (Top 10) and some more
11:00 Text Editors
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Using Environmental Modules
14:00 Using Torque and Moab
15:00 Transferring files between systems

Day 2

09:00 Shell Scripting
10:00 Python Scripting
11:00 Using pip and virtualenv
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Plotting (gnuplot and matplotlib)
14:00 Building/installing software
15:00 Creating Environmental Modules

Day 3

09:00 Advanced Bash/Python Scripting
10:00 Programming in C, Fortran and Python
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Parallel Programming with OpenMP
14:00 Parallel Programming with MPI
15:00 Test Driven Development
15:30 Version Control with Git

Day 4

09:00 Open Session for Specific Research Questions

We were aided in this work by the training and other support offered by the Software Carpentry project.